Page 4 GAY PEOPLE'S CHRONICLE September, 1989


Fulani's Hypocrisy

To the Editor:

Where to start? Lenora Fulani's guest editorial in the August Chronicle is outrageous in its hypocrisy. Unfortunately, this is difficult to see because so many of her statements, when taken at face value, are indeed correct.

Fulani is correct in describing the public prejudice heaped upon minority communities blacks, Hispanics, gays, lesbians and others. She is correct in observing the popular views held by too many that minorities, such as the gay community, are somehow subhuman, shameful and deserving of the hardships that befall us, like AIDS.

Fulani is also correct in pointing out the hollowness and betrayals of so much of the "support" we've received from the Democratic Party and others. Let's not forget, for instance, that just after the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, the Senate voted almost unanimously to cut federal funding for any AIDS education that accepted or encouraged gay sexuality.

The "sensibilities" of a few bigoted homophobes were more important than the lives of gay human beings. Patrick Moynihan was the only Democratic senator to vote against that measure! (I make no political recommendations here; I only point out these facts and cautions.)

So, where is this hypocrisy I mentioned? Fulani declares her support for the political rights of gays and lesbians. Fine. She also condemns the view that gays and lesbians are "unnatural." But, what are her views on the origins of homosexuality?

Some insight on this question was found in a shocking speech delivered this year at the Spring Conference of the Kent Gay/Lesbian Foundation. The keynote speaker was Barbara Taylor, a

La-La Land

Continued from Page 2

Working predominantly as a bartender in one of the last of the more notorious haunts, I saw and did plenty. There were many fleeting highs and peaks. However, it is the less than pleasant experiences that really influenced me. They began to chip away at my very foundations, including my trust in people and my faith in a worthwhile future. I began living my dark side with frightening regularity as time continued to advance.

In 1987, I lost some important people to AIDS. That same year, my father had a debilitating stroke, and my last major romance started its predestined collapse due to a mutual drug habit that was spiraling downward fast. The drugs became the destructive escape for not coming to grips with reality. They almost killed me.

During all this mounting desperation, there were also increasing periods of self-searching revelation. It is amazing how adversity can teach and reawaken the spirit if you don't go totally over


black educator and community activist in Harlem, where she runs her own school.

Taylor is a friend of Fulani's and is on the New York State Coordinating Committee of Fulani's New Alliance Party. She spoke on several topics and distributed material on Fulani and the party. When she got to the subject of gay rights, she provoked a storm of protest.

Speaking without embarrassment to a lesbian and gay audience, Taylor stated that the origins of homosexuality are rooted in the injustices and inequalities of society. We are lesbian and gay, she asserted, as a reaction to and a protest against the condition of society. She further stated that the right wing is not wrong in its analysis of the origins of homosexuality, only in its analysis of how

to react to it now that it exists.

An incredible speech for a keynote speaker at a gay conference! Afterwards, I asked her if we will all become straight should society end these injustices. She answered, “yes.”

How can Fulani condemn those who

say we are perverted and unnatural while saying our very existence is a direct result of the ills of society? Let's all be proud of that?!

Finally, there is the question of Farrakan. Fulani proudly defends Farrakan and boasts their mutual support of each other. This is nothing less than sickening.

So much for support of minorities and the oppressed when you can embrace Farrakan's anti-Semitic view of Jews and the "gutter religion," to borrow his words. Blacks and gays are OK, but Jews are not?

Fulani's column focused on her pride a very strange sort of pride indeed.

Robert C. Laycock

the edge first. What a balancing act! Fortunately, throughout all of this, I had a few close friends. They are hard to come by, and they stayed by me through the ups and downs. Circumstances were forcing me to reassess myself and to do some more growing up the hard way. I began to reacknowledge qualities in myself, others, places and things that I valued. More change had to occur as soon as possible. I liked less of what I saw in Los Angeles as time careened treacherously on.

Finally, I made the long and painful decision to close the "Hollywood chapter" and return to Cleveland. The hometown isn't so bad after all. I have old friends and family here. There is a sense of continuity and stability. The "jaded factor" hasn't been elevated to an art form here. A person can relax and get comfortable. This city is undergoing a re-birth with a lot of positive attitudes and room to grow. I'd like to be part of that process. Besides, we usually have snow at Christmas like it's supposed to be. I missed that a lot. ▼


appearing at: DOBAMA THEATRE Friday, September 8 Saturday, September 9 Friday, September 15 Saturday, September 16

In An Evening Of Suggestive Behavior





Homophobia Shades Age of Enligtenment

To the Editor:

It is loathsome in this age of enlightenment that someone's life can be “ruined" just by being labeled a homosexual. Yet it is this sad fact that permeated the case of Petty Officer 2nd Class Kendall Truitt, initially accused of being homosexual involved in the USS Iowa explosion which claimed 47 lives (Plain Dealer, Aug. 3).

My health status, being HIV positive, became an issue for me at work. The

need arose for me to disclose this information to my boss, who, I must say, was most understanding. His first words to me were, "I trust you are not an IV drug abuser?" At first I thought it was humorous. I knew he was only trying to be funny and be diplomatic in the way he phrased it. My response was, "No, but I am gay."

I got to kick open my closet door, but after thinking about it for a while, I find it horrid to think that being gay is less acceptable to society than being an IV drug abuser. It is reprehensible to think Adoption Rights

To the Editor:

Suhadolnik, why are you crying about gays adopting children? Would you rather have these children go unloved and unwanted and then throw them into society and expect the taxpayers to support them?

If responsible people are willing to take these children as their own and raise them to become active and productive members of society, what is wrong with that?

You cannot raise children to be homosexual. They will make their own decisions in life and they will decide for themselves what their lifestyle will be.

No one knows for sure why people are gay. Whether it is choice, preference, absence of parents, childhood trauma etc., but one thing is certain, you cannot possibly say that children raised by homosexual parents will be gay because of example by those parents.

My parents were heterosexual; guess what? I am gay. Apparently your concern is unwarranted, or perhaps my parents just didn't provide a very good example of the heterosexual lifestyle.

The point is, I had parents and was given the opportunity to make my own decisions

What is wrong with gay people anyway? Nothing! There are a lot of us out there.


that being gay ruined someone's life and it really sells the newspaper when you can link it with "murder." An ordinary murder might intrigue the public, but a "homosexual" tossed in really adds siz-


What is so bad about being able to express one's love for another? How can love cause one's life to be destroyed? Just recently, a proposed sex survey to determine what caused the spread of AIDS was deleted from an AIDS spending bill. It is a deplorable situation when this country can't talk about sex, even when it's only for research purposes.

What are people afraid of learning? This research would be beneficial for other sexually spread diseases, not just AIDS. Perhaps it's time to have such a study. We might learn something worthwhile other than how diseases are spread.

Herb Vargo

The next time your mail carrier brings your mail, ask the carrier if he/she is gay. If so, deliver your own mail.

The next time you go to worship, ask your priest/minister if he/she is gay. If so, create your own god and pay for enlightenment.

The next time you go to your local grocery supplier, ask him/her if they are gay. If so, grow your own food.

The next time you watch your favorite television show or see a movie, ask your favorite entertainer if he/she is gay. If so, entertain yourself.

The next time you introduce a bill such as Senate Bill 162, ask your own children if they are gay. If so, may they one day forgive you your ignorance.

The next time a small child cries in the night for a mommy and daddy, ask them if they would prefer homosexual or heterosexual parents. I don't think they would really care.

There are many gay people in the world, Suhadolnik. We are everywhere and we will not be suppressed any longer. Check your own closets, you might be surprised.

Oh, by the way, our previous generations did practice homosexuality read your history books. Wake up!

Here is another piece of information for you; perhaps it will expand your little mind.

Continued from Page 1 Chameleon hopes to form a communal spirit between Cleveland's East and West sides while bringing together the women of Akron-Canton in hopes of becoming the voice of the women's community.


R. Evan

With much understanding and appreciation to the past movements within the women's community, Chameleon's board of directors wants to unify the feminist and lesbian communities in a progressive new way.

on Larchmere








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